Coaching Programs


The Why

Benefits of Coaching




I choose peace




The Why


Mindfulness Meditation Coach was created to transform and heal mental suffering that may arise in the form of stress, worry, anxiety, or fear.


In my practice and experience, this mental suffering is also at the root of many physical ailments as the body is a reflection of the mind.


Stress is a silent killer, but mindfulness meditation is the antidote. 


Stress is Rising


A key takeaway of the 2023 Stress in America study by the American Psychological Association is that, “The long-term stress sustained since the COVID-19 pandemic began has had a significant impact on well-being, evidenced by a significant increase in reported mental health conditions and chronic illnesses.”


Additionally, “Psychologists warn that a superficial characterization of life being ‘back to normal’ is obscuring the post-traumatic effects on mental and physical health.


Stress puts the body on high alert and ongoing stress can accumulate, causing inflammation, wearing on the immune system, and increasing the risk of a host of ailments, including digestive issues, heart disease, weight gain, and stroke.”


In the 2023 study, “Nearly a quarter of adults (24%) rated their average stress between eight and 10 on a scale of one to 10 where one means little to no stress and 10 means a great deal of stress. This is up from 19% in 2019, before the pandemic.”


This study also found that “the majority of adults also downplayed their stress; 67% said their problems aren’t ‘bad enough’ to be stressed about, knowing that others have it worse.


When asked why they don’t seek treatment, adults’ top reasons were the belief that therapy doesn’t work (40%), lack of time (39%) or lack of insurance (37%).


Despite these reasons, nearly half (47%) said they wish they had someone to help manage their stress, and 62% reported they don’t talk about their stress because they don’t want to burden others.”




These findings demonstrate that people want and need help managing stress outside of the traditional methods.


Mindfulness Meditation is a simple and effective solution that does not require therapy, insurance, or even time. It is a way to heal yourself.


By learning to live mindfully, every action becomes a meditation and life naturally becomes more peaceful and joyful.


Mindfulness Heals 


“Mindfulness is a continual practice—a path that helps us to transform our suffering and that brings happiness to ourselves and to others.”


— Zen Master Thich Nhat HanhThe Miracle of Mindfulness


“Research suggests that mindfulness meditation and mindfulness-based psychotherapy can help with depression, stress, anxiety, insomnia, memory loss, hypertension, and chronic pain, in addition to slowing down cognitive decline and boosting immune function.”


—, The Health Benefits of Mindfulness 


Research continues to prove what Zen masters like Thich Nhat Hanh have taught for decades: mindfulness heals.



Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation Coaching


Similar to having a personal coach for physical training, Mindfulness Meditation Coach helps you to reach your goals for a more peaceful way of life with more focus and insight. 


Three Key Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation Coaching are:


+  Increased Self-Awareness

+  Personalized Practices

+  Motivation


Mindfulness Meditation Coach will help you identify stressful triggers and help you learn how to greet those stressful moments with mindfulness.


With continued practice, mindfulness meditation practices become habits that lead to transformational personal changes. Mindfulness Meditation Coach will help you get back to peace.



Mindfulness Meditation Coaching Programs


All Mindfulness Meditation Coaching begins with a Personalized One Month Program. Beginning with a stress test and consultation, the personalized program will be tailored to your individual profession, time constraints, and needs.


The Personalized One Month Program will include:


+  One Weekly Coaching Session

+  Mindfulness Meditation Toolkit

+  Simple to use Checklists


By learning and practicing mindfulness meditation on a daily basis, healing habits will naturally form. Mindfulness Meditation Coach only helps to facilitate the process of self-healing.