Small steps matter
When we are intent on finishing or arriving, our attention can be focused on reaching our goal as quickly as possible. In our haste, we might sacrifice speed for attention. However, this can lead to suffering, much like stepping on a spiny sea urchin in a rush to get in the ocean. Instead, mindfulness is calm, consistent effort that is focused on what must be done in the present moment to achieve the desired future state.
Like the fable of the tortoise and the hare, persistent attention and action in small steps can actually get us to our destination faster than inconsistent, big steps that lead to burnout.
As this relates to the journey to experiencing lasting peace, meditating for one minute every day for a month will have more significant and positive impact than taking one full day for meditation in a month.
Breathe deeply, start small, and observe how quickly your life can change. We are here to help you determine the best next small steps to take on the path to greater peace, awareness, and freedom.
Learn more about our Coaching Programs here.