Are you present for yourself?

Before we can be present for other people, we must be present for ourselves.
One way to approach determining your level of presence for yourself is to start by writing a short list of the things that you need to do for yourself (this can include basic self-care). Then, on a separate page, write a list of the things that are currently getting your energy and attention. Now compare and check to see if these lists are aligned.
If your energy is mostly directed at the things you need to do for yourself, that’s great! That means that you are being present for yourself. Continue to build on this foundation. However, if you find that you are placing all of the things you need to do for yourself at the bottom of the list, you may need to re-visit your priorities.
Mindfulness meditation provides us with practices to return to ourselves and be sure that our needs are being met. Since we cannot draw from an empty well, we use mindfulness meditation to make ourselves full first and then lovingly share the overflow.
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