Name and explore one emotion
Sometimes, it may feel like the body is overwhelmed with emotions. Like following a stone in a flood, it can seem impossible to identify the individual feelings that are overwhelming the body.
In those moments, it can be helpful to take a pause. While sitting quietly with your eyes closed, simply identify one emotion that is being felt in the body at the moment. This is like selecting one leaf on a banana tree and giving it your full attention.
Breathe deeply as you sit with this emotion. Give yourself compassion as you hold and observe this one emotion.
When you feel ready, you may also investigate the emotion:
- What is the source of this feeling?
- Is the emotion based on a past regret or future fear?
- How might you look at the emotion through the lens of gratitude?
After the investigation:
- Return to the moment of now
- Allow the emotion to flow through you
- Remain as the Observer
As you open your eyes again, take note of how you are now experiencing the world around you.
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