Mindfulness Meditation ideas to use.
Looking within provides insight that can be used to change your experience.
Walk mindfully
Each step we take is an opportunity to experience peace and gratitude.
Are you present for yourself?
By mindfully being present for ourselves, we are able to be present for others.
Expand your heart
By mindfully expanding our hearts, we experience more love, freedom, and joy.
We are here now
Mindfulness is remembering that we are here now. This is peace.
Small steps matter
Calm, consistent effort is the way of mindfulness.
Love what is
With mindfulness, we release what was to love what is.
Name and explore one emotion
Identify one emotion in the body with compassion and allow it to be released.
What is the emotion trying to tell you?
Cool the flames of anger with mindfulness and gain understanding.
What is happening in this moment?
Notice what is happening around you and what is felt within.